Coronavirus update: As Delhi wrestles third wave, survey finds 74% residents favour shutting down markets, shops

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By Administrator_India

Capital sands

Over 74 percent of people in Delhi, which has seen a spike in COVID-19 cases in recent days, favour some type of shutdown in markets and non-essential shops and services to curb the spread of the disease, a survey has shown.

According to the survey, carried out by LocalCircles, 46 percent people across India are in favour of some sort of lockdown in districts and cities which are currently experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases.

Over 60 percent of people surveyed across India said that lockdowns will lead to short-or medium-term economic setback and are not worth it, while 38 percent were of the opinion that lockdowns should be implemented.

On November 17, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had sought the Centre’s approval for shutting down markets which could be COVID-19 hotspots.

The development came even as the authorities spelled out a fortified strategy including increasing ICU beds, doubling testing capacity to nearly 1.2 lakh and deploying 7000-8000 surveillance teams in vulnerable pockets in the wake of the recent spike in cases in the national capital.

While the Delhi government has denied that it would be implementing any sort of a lockdown in the city, the LocalCircles survey suggests that over 46 percent people are in favour of some kind of lockdown post the festival season. However, over 51 percent of those surveyed across India are completely against imposing a lockdown.

To the question “If India were to go into national, state or local lockdown for 3 weeks?” 60 percent of respondents said that any kind national, state or local lockdown will lead to short or medium term setbacks and will not be worth it. Over 38 percent of those surveyed, however, said that while a lockdown will lead to short-term economic setback, it is required to contain the spread of the disease.

As far as Delhi is concerned, according to the survey report, 34 percent wanted a three-week immediate lockdown with only essential services to function, 40 percent did not want a lockdown but were in favour of a three- week shutdown of markets and all non-essential shops.

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